June, 2022

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Dubious Ideas, Foolish Clients and Your Consulting Firm. 5 Rules to Act Wisely

David A Fields

The spectacular failure of CNN+ is hardly the largest debacle abetted by a consulting firm. If your consulting firm had been in McKinsey’s shoes, would you have taken the CNN+ project and built a plan that, in retrospect, appears absurdly unrealistic? Let’s say that for a number of years your consulting firm has supported the … Continued. The post Dubious Ideas, Foolish Clients and Your Consulting Firm. 5 Rules to Act Wisely appeared first on David A.

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Five Things To Know About Your Ideal Client

Consulting Matters

Today, we're talking about the five simple steps to developing your ideal client archetype, which builds on what we talked about in my last two blogs, why people don't get it when you speak and write about what you do and what is ideal client archetype and why you need one. So if you missed either of these episodes, go back and listen. I'll never forget the first time I downloaded Pandora.


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How Coaches & Mentors Fast-Track Your Consulting Business Growth with MaryBeth Maskovas: Podcast #242

Consulting Success

Building and growing a business is not easy. It requires a lot of work, time, and money. So how can you fast-track your consulting business’ growth? Today, MaryBeth Maskovas, the Founder, Lead Analytics, and Optimization Consultant for Insight Lime Analytics, shares her journey from finding her passion for analytics to building her consulting agency amidst.

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Bad Decision vs. Bad Outcome


A lot of people tend to judge the quality of a decision based on the outcome of the decision. This is a foundational premise that many (if not most) people hold that underlies their decision-making process. Here are some typical examples where this thinking works and gets reinforced… and counter-examples that challenge this notion. I worked really hard and got promoted.

Examples 120
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PowerPoint Best Practices for Creating Stellar Presentations

Mastering data visualization in PowerPoint will help accelerate your career because it positions you as someone who can present data that drives business decisions forward. think-cell's PowerPoint Best Practices eBook was created specifically for professionals aiming to master the art and science of data-driven storytelling. What’s inside: Practical Insights: Uncover valuable tips for crafting engaging and persuasive presentations.

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Help Your Customers React the Way You Want with These Roadmap Options, Part 3

Johanna Rothman

In Part 1 , I said that customers need a different kind of roadmap than teams do. Teams need the focusing details now and a way to look forward. But, depending on where your product is in the market, your customers might want or need different information. Let's start there. One thing to remember: you might not need a customer-facing roadmap at all if you release often enough.

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[Scope Creep, Responsibility Dodging] How to Set and Keep Better Boundaries with Your Consulting Firm’s Clients

David A Fields

Consulting firm clients occasionally (or frequently) don’t live up to their obligations on a project—mid-project approvals come late, or not at all, critical information is missing, etc. Sometimes, clients ask your consulting firm to take on extra work that was outside of scope. Both of these client behaviors present a challenge for your consulting firm. … Continued.

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Why You Need An Ideal Client Archetype

Consulting Matters

Seth Godin says, "When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one.". This quote was a catalyst that completely transformed my approach to growing my own business and helping others do the same. It makes sense that as consultants and coaches with tons of skills, certifications, frameworks, and methodologies, our path to success is either narrowing down the services we offer or making our approach attractive to many potential clients.

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Personal Branding For Consultants: Be Authentic To Get More Clients

Consulting Success

Personal branding for consultants: what is it, and why should you care? Many consultants are lost when it comes to building a brand. They think “branding” is all about their logo or their website. Now, your logo and website are a part of your brand. But your logo and website are only one piece of. Personal Branding For Consultants: Be Authentic To Get More Clients is a post from: Consulting Success.

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The Top Eleven Things Employees Want From Their Leader

Rick Conlow

What do employees want from their boss or in a job? Obviously, they are not receiving it with the elevated levels of employee discontent, disengagement, and distrust. Consequently, the current Great Resignation and Quit manifested into a nightmare for leaders and organizations. You do not have to succumb to these negative results. If you pay attention to these eleven things employees want in a job, you will have a real opportunity to create an inspired and highly engaged team.

Training 109
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Leadership: See, Think, Do


Years ago, a client of mine taught me an influential leadership framework called: See, Think, Do The idea is that if you want an employee, customer, or partner to do something differently than how they are currently, you need to: 1) Change how they see the situation. 2) This, in turn, changes how they think about the situation. 3) Which then naturally leads people to do things differently than they are currently.

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Blockchain: New Use Cases for Governments and Business

Tom Spencer

Governments, businesses, and individuals are developing new use cases for blockchain as barriers to adoption continue to decrease. Blockchain has already had a significant impact in the finance industry with the global cryptocurrency market cap now exceeding $1 trillion. Blockchain looks set to be deployed in many other industries. The technology adds value by enabling trustless systems that don’t rely on third party intermediaries.

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A Quick Trick to Refresh Your Consulting Firm’s Network

David A Fields

Over time, your consulting firm’s network can dwindle as you lose touch with ex-clients and fail to maintain other contacts. Fortunately, there’s an easy method to reawaken dormant relationships and enrich your pool of potential consulting clients. Remember Yuri? Sure you do. He was a client of yours, and even though you haven’t chatted in … Continued.

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Why People Don’t “Get It” When You Talk and Write About What You Do

Consulting Matters

Have you ever been asked "what do you do?" at a networking event or just at a party, and despite your best attempt at a response, all you got was blank stares? Or have you spent a ton of time working on website copy, and the response was crickets? Today we're talking about why people don't get it when you talk and write about what you do. In my early days as a business owner, it was so hard to explain what I did that I often avoided situations where I would have to, which affected more than my m

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Savings Consultants Are Needed in Today's Market More Than Ever

Savings Consultants are needed in today’s market more than ever. With an increase in expenses, businesses are looking for opportunities to save. Often unknown to businesses are savings in expense reduction, specialized tax savings, specialized savings including medical underpayments, health benefits cost reduction, zero cost processing, and more. Blue Coast Savings, with over 20 years in business, assists Savings Consultants in helping these companies move toward more profitable businesses.

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Building & Selling a Consulting Business with Alex Langshur: Podcast #244

Consulting Success

One big part of starting a business that some tend to forget to consider is selling it off. While it may seem such a heartbreak to exit a business you’ve worked so hard to build, it is nevertheless an important aspect of success. In this episode, Michael Zipursky is joined by Alex Langshur. Alex is currently. Building & Selling a Consulting Business with Alex Langshur: Podcast #244 is a post from: Consulting Success.

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Ten Principles for an Employee Bill of Rights

Rick Conlow

Employees need a global bill of rights. Why? Companies worldwide have battered and taken advantage of them. Who is standing up for employees? What protection do employees really have? Yes, governments pass laws to help. European countries do a better job. Unions are on the decline. However, organizations always find the loopholes. Most companies have statements of ethics or teamwork in their employee handbooks.

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Product Portfolio Management: What It Is and Why It Matters for Business Leaders


For the growing companies, it’s crucially important to keep track of all their products and make sure they are in demand and meet customers’ needs. A good way to increase profitability is to work on the products that will definitely bring revenue and make the right improvements that people are expecting. Product portfolio management can make this happen.

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Planning and Running a Strategy Offsite

Tom Spencer

As part of a consulting engagement or broader enterprise strategy alignment, you can expect to plan and run an offsite at one point of your career. While an offsite can provide a great environment for team building and alignment, planning and running one could be stressful and time-consuming as it involves multiple executive-level stakeholders and there are many moving pieces.

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This White Paper targets opportunities for Management to develop proficiency in the Decision Framing and Analyses element of input to Decision, & Risk Analyses for Major Project Funding Decisions.

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Better, Consulting Firm Marketing: Flywheels and Snowballs

David A Fields

Effective marketing will increase awareness, engagement and credibility among your consulting firm’s target audience. However, your efforts to build visibility consume considerable time and money while producing questionable results. A couple of proven, consulting firm marketing principles will boost your marketing success. Flywheels Flywheels are difficult to set into motion, and the weightier the wheel, … Continued.

Marketing 195
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How To Create the Business and Life You Really Want In Your Second Act

Consulting Matters

Have you hit the top of your profession or exceeded your business goals and wondered what's next? Tune in for insights and tips on taking the daring leap into your second act and the dramatic change that can lead to greater success, significance, and happiness. I have big news, on May 14th, I got married to the absolute love of my life! We went to Nantucket for our honeymoon, where I went ten years ago for a personal business retreat.

How To 156
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How To Create Undeniable “Hype” Around Your Consulting Services With Michael F. Schein: Podcast #243

Consulting Success

Are you equipped with a good amount of knowledge and skills for your services? In today’s episode, Michael Shein, founder of MicroFame Media, shares his insights on how you can create undeniable hype around your consulting services. He had gone through different jobs in his career, and through these experiences, he was able to sort. How To Create Undeniable “Hype” Around Your Consulting Services With Michael F.

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Choose How to Visualize Your Product Roadmap for a Team’s Product Focus, Part 2

Johanna Rothman

As I said in Part 1 , teams use backlogs and roadmaps to know what's now and what's next. Teams use backlogs for the day-to-day tactical decisions. And when teams can see what's next, they can keep the strategic decisions in mind. What do teams need to know about the product now to focus their work? Which users are first, for now. The functionality the team wants feedback on, for now.

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Why You Need to Use Case Studies in Sales and Marketing (and How to Start Now)

Case studies are proof of successful client relations and a verifiable product or service. They persuade buyers by highlighting your customers' experiences with your company and its solution. In sales, case studies are crucial pieces of content that can be tailored to prospects' pain points and used throughout the buyer's journey. In marketing, case studies are versatile assets for generating business, providing reusable elements for ad and social media content, website material, and marketing c

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Main Risks of Aerospace Engineering Projects: How to Implement Wise Risk Management into Your Organization


The aerospace engineering sector deals with mostly large and complex projects. Accordingly, they are more vulnerable to the consequences of risk-bearing events. When unmanaged, these risks can impact people’s safety and, to make matters worse, come down to considerable financial losses. . So, the importance of risk management cannot be overestimated – it’s better to stay ahead of all possible threats to your project. .

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Consulting’s Unofficial Interview Hurdle – The Airplane Test

Tom Spencer

There are many steps to take in preparing to apply and interview for a consulting position. If you are just starting out, you will find yourself editing your resume, preparing answers for experiential questions, and practicing business frameworks to use in the case interview. However, there is another hurdle that you must keep in mind as you get ready to apply – the airplane test.

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Is It True? Is It Useful?


A lot of very smart people find themselves preoccupied with debates on whether certain negative self-beliefs are true. Maybe I will never amount to anything in my career. Maybe I will never have the romantic relationship I desire. Maybe I’m not smart enough to succeed. Maybe I don’t have the pedigree to have a great career. Maybe I have the wrong gender/ethnicity/[insert your demographic variable here] needed to excel.

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A conversation on leadership in 2022 – with Cassie Edmiston

The Management Centre

Leadership is shifting focus (again). We listened in on a conversation between one of our leadership experts, Yvette Gyles (=mc Learning Director) and Cassie Edmiston (Head of Fundraising and Communications, Prisoners’ Education Trust ), d iscussing the challenges of leadership in 2022. » Yvette: Thanks again Cassie for taking the time to talk to me about all things leadership.

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The Art of Remote Collaboration: How to Successfully Whiteboard with Remote Teams

Just because we're working with a distributed team doesn't mean we have to abandon time-tested tools and methods like whiteboarding. Digital look-alikes often cramp creativity and all but eliminate the humanity of shared interactions. Hardware solutions are also limiting and, of course, expensive and immobile. In an increasingly digital and remote-first world, it’s important for us to select tools and processes that allow us to mitigate if not eliminate the above problems.