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Playing Along vs. Playing Nice. A Common Misstep that Could be Costing Your Consulting Firm

David A Fields

The “real world” and consulting best practices occasionally diverge. One example is divisiveness. All around us, people decry divisiveness and hateful rhetoric while, in the US at least, many of those same people dish out ad hominem attacks and demeaning language. From a consulting standpoint, does deriding or disdainful rhetoric matter for your firm and, … Continued The post Playing Along vs.

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How to Get and Use Powerful Client Testimonials

Consulting Matters

Have you ever felt like your client testimonials just aren’t capturing the true value of what you do? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle with testimonials. One big reason is that asking for testimonials can feel super-awkward as if you’re bothering your clients or sounding desperate for approval. Another reason is that we simply don’t know how to go about getting testimonials that actually highlight the real, tangible benefits of our consulting or coaching.

How To 156

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Magnetic Branding & Positioning Strategies For Consultants with Deb Gabor: Podcast #332

Consulting Success

[podcast_headshot url="/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/deb-gabor.jpg"] Do you ever feel stuck trading hours for dollars, dreaming of a business that runs without you constantly grinding? That was Deb Gabor, best selling author and branding expert before she created a business empire on her own terms. And in this episode, she reveals the exact framework she used.

Strategy 202
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Building Harmonious Workplaces Through Belonging

Harmonious Workplaces

The Power of a Sense of Community in the Workplace At Harmonious Workplaces (our blog and podcast) and WorkBalance Consulting (our consulting firm), we believe in fostering positive and productive work environments. We are fascinated by how people work together in an organization, particularly when their work begets positive outcomes. This blog explores a sense […] The post Building Harmonious Workplaces Through Belonging appeared first on Harmonious Workplaces.

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PowerPoint Best Practices for Creating Stellar Presentations

Mastering data visualization in PowerPoint will help accelerate your career because it positions you as someone who can present data that drives business decisions forward. think-cell's PowerPoint Best Practices eBook was created specifically for professionals aiming to master the art and science of data-driven storytelling. What’s inside: Practical Insights: Uncover valuable tips for crafting engaging and persuasive presentations.

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Effective Communication Strategies for Managers: Offering Tips and Techniques for More Effective Communication

Effective Managers

Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful management. It’s about more than just exchanging information; it’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind that information. In today’s dynamic workplace, managers must master various communication strategies to lead their teams effectively. Communication is also a skill that is needed for one of the most important of the 5 Requirements of Effective Managers : Feedback Loops Understanding the Basics of Commun

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“All Hell Breaks Loose” In the Next Few Months as Recession Bites


Two of us are still adamant that a recession has started. The other is Danielle DiMartino Booth, in her best video yet. Please take a look.

Video 78
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It’s Not Done Until It’s Purpose Is Served

Leadership Planning with Liz Weber CMC

There’s an interesting trend I’ve been observing of late: Leaders are ‘accepting’ projects as being ‘DONE’ even though the goal doesn’t fulfill its purpose or the true need for it in the first place. As long as the goal’s tasks were conducted, the task or project is deemed ‘COMPLETE’. However, during subsequent executive team meetings, […] The post It’s Not Done Until It’s Purpose Is Served appeared first on Weber Business Services, LLC.

Trends 57
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Episode 20: Stories of Organizational Change

Harmonious Workplaces

Harmonious Workplaces, Ep. 20: Stories of Organizational Change Welcome to our 20th podcast for today’s milestone podcast. We’ll be talking about some of the best and worst change management experiences we’ve seen. Well, any of these tales of organizational change management resonate with you? Keep listening to find out. And learn how to avoid some […] The post Episode 20: Stories of Organizational Change appeared first on Harmonious Workplaces.

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Agile Methodology: Understanding and Implementing It

Effective Managers

A Guide to Agile Practices and Their Benefits in Today’s Dynamic Business Environment In to-day’s business landscape, agility has become a key driver for success. Agile methodology, originally conceived for software development, has transcended its IT roots to become a vital approach in various business sectors. The Essence of Agile Methodology Agile methodology is underpinned by the Agile Manifesto, which emphasizes individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working solutions

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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To Make Your Pitches More Engaging, Appeal to Multiple Learning Styles

Harvard Business

When idea pitches fail to resonate, it doesn’t always have to do with the merit of the idea, your presentation style, or charisma; the problem could stem from a deeper disengagement in your organization. To make pitches more appealing and increase the chances of ideas resonating, the author recommends engaging three main learning styles that may be in your audience: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

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Work from Home Decor (Infographic)

Office Skills

Home Is Where The Work Is: Optimizing Your Work-From-Home Decor The rise of remote work has transformed the home from a place of rest and relaxation to a multifaceted space that now […] The post Work from Home Decor (Infographic) appeared first on Office Skills Training.

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Fortitude: The Key to Marketing Success

Prudent Pedal

Marketing professional services is simple. It is not easy. Prudence discerns the strategic course, Fortitude fuels the journey. Fortitude: The Key to Marketing Success appeared first on Prudent Pedal.

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How to engage people in learning in your organisation

The Management Centre

As a Learning and Development, Organisational Development or HR professional, you know the value of good quality training. As a people professional, you want to see your staff thrive at work, and develop while adding value to your organisation’s purpose or mission. This requires people to focus on honing their skills, learning new skills, and putting learning into practice – alongside delivering their day job.

How To 52
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Savings Consultants Are Needed in Today's Market More Than Ever

Savings Consultants are needed in today’s market more than ever. With an increase in expenses, businesses are looking for opportunities to save. Often unknown to businesses are savings in expense reduction, specialized tax savings, specialized savings including medical underpayments, health benefits cost reduction, zero cost processing, and more. Blue Coast Savings, with over 20 years in business, assists Savings Consultants in helping these companies move toward more profitable businesses.

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Episode 19: Active Listening

Harmonious Workplaces

[00:02:00] Welcome to our 19th podcast today. We’ll be talking about active listening. Helping everyone understand what that means and why it’s so important for your change initiatives. Also, what’s the one thing you can do now to be a more active listener? Keep active listening to find out. Pun intended. Hello, Harmonious Workplaces listeners. […] The post Episode 19: Active Listening appeared first on Harmonious Workplaces.

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When Asking Too Many Questions Undermines Your Leadership

Harvard Business

Although it’s widely accepted that good leaders are good learners, a learning mentality can also have a darker side. If not carefully managed, it might lead to a perception of decreased effectiveness, less expertise, and lower efficiency. Your learning mentality should be the catalyst for your personal growth and development — not a reason for others to question your leadership.

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The only Quality that can Conquer Fear

Action Plan

As Ordinary Visionaries, we often underestimate the difficulties and challenges we will face when we embark on our journey. At first, our vision may help us feel confident, even invincible. But then we are faced with an action we know we must do but are scared to death to do it. I saw that so much with clients I worked with: “I want to attract lots of great clients.

Talent 52
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Real GDP Rises 2.8 Percent in Advance Estimate, What About Recession?


GDP rose 2.8 percent in the BEA’s 2024 Q2 advance estimate. The real final sales estimate is 2.0 percent. Expect major negative revisions.

Sales 57
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This White Paper targets opportunities for Management to develop proficiency in the Decision Framing and Analyses element of input to Decision, & Risk Analyses for Major Project Funding Decisions.

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Delegating well

Consultants' Consultant

Consultants Consultant: Been collecting ideas around delegation for a little while. Here’s some of the good. The post Delegating well appeared first on Consultants' Consultant.

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Rewarding Mediocrity Over Performers

Peter Stark

Watching the trends of our employee opinion surveys over the last few years has been interesting. We have hit some considerable swings in some areas. With the strong employee market, most managers are just trying to hang on as they can’t hire people fast enough. And, when they do, there is a 50-50 chance they will show up on the first day. One thing that caught our eye is how many times we have seen the question regarding rewarding the highest achiever show up in the lowest-rated questions.

Trends 52
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4 Ways to Meaningfully Support New Mothers Returning to Work

Harvard Business

Interviews and surveys of hundreds of women in the U.S. who recently returned to work after giving birth reveals four key support mechanism they value most: help navigating the HR infrastructure, creating spaces for key motherhood activities, having their identity as a worker validated, and having their identity as a mother validated. The research also explores why these four actions are particularly helpful, emphasizes that anyone can be a good ally, and recommends ways to better support non-bi

Survey 77
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Ep083 Lead Like a Pro – Part Two

Girard Training Solutions

On today’s episode of Management Development Unlocked, Eric shares part two of his book, Lead Like a Pro. This section focuses on what it takes to successfully transition into management from a role as a contributing team member. You’ll hear the benefits you can reap by preparing for this transition, the five common misconceptions about people who move into management, the six mindset shifts you need for a smooth transition, and how you can expand your influence to manage your boss, peers, and t

Culture 40
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Why You Need to Use Case Studies in Sales and Marketing (and How to Start Now)

Case studies are proof of successful client relations and a verifiable product or service. They persuade buyers by highlighting your customers' experiences with your company and its solution. In sales, case studies are crucial pieces of content that can be tailored to prospects' pain points and used throughout the buyer's journey. In marketing, case studies are versatile assets for generating business, providing reusable elements for ad and social media content, website material, and marketing c

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The Yield Curve Is About to Uninvert, Is That a Recession Indicator?


The yield curve went through its longest period of inversion ever and is now on the cusp of uninverting. Some say this is a recession trigger. Let's investigate.

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Important change is systems change

Seth Godin Blog

Willpower is overrated. If you want to eat healthier, don’t work hard to avoid stopping at the cookie jar when you walk into the kitchen. Get rid of the cookie jar. Systems are long-lasting, widespread and resilient. We can push back on them with effort, but over time, the system usually comes out ahead. Once we see a system, we can change it.

System 32
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Using the Language of Strengths to Enhance Leadership Influence

Leadership Vision Consulting

How can understanding your own strengths transform your leadership style and create a thriving team environment? In this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, we dive into the nuanced use of the language of Strengths to articulate the influence of leaders on their teams. Rather than allowing Strengths definitions to rigidly frame perceptions, we advocate understanding the 'how' and 'why' behind leadership actions first.

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Gen AI is Coming for Remote Workers First

Harvard Business

Automation has historically impacted blue-collar jobs first, whereas white-collar jobs benefited. The wave of remote work brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic further empowered white-collar workers with more autonomy through remote work. However, generative AI is changing this narrative. Remote workers are now more susceptible to automation due to their tasks being digital and thus more easily automated, but also indicates large potential productivity benefits.

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The Art of Remote Collaboration: How to Successfully Whiteboard with Remote Teams

Just because we're working with a distributed team doesn't mean we have to abandon time-tested tools and methods like whiteboarding. Digital look-alikes often cramp creativity and all but eliminate the humanity of shared interactions. Hardware solutions are also limiting and, of course, expensive and immobile. In an increasingly digital and remote-first world, it’s important for us to select tools and processes that allow us to mitigate if not eliminate the above problems.