January, 2024

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5 Keys to a More Profitable Consulting Firm

David A Fields

There are five common bottlenecks that constrain a consulting firm’s profits. Fortunately, that means there are also five, straightforward keys to increasing your consulting firm’s bottom line. Consulting is a simple business. You win projects and deliver them profitably. While eating chocolate. That’s the consulting cycle. Support that cycle with some infrastructure, wrap a strategy … Continued The post 5 Keys to a More Profitable Consulting Firm appeared first on David

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What The Research Says About Building A Successful Consulting Firm With Elizabeth Harr: Podcast #318

Consulting Success

You may find consulting success just by employing general marketing strategies and casting a wide net on your target audience. But if you want to build a high-growth consulting firm, you must make your tactics more laser-focused and well-targeted. Michael Zipursky sits down with Elizabeth Harr, Managing Partner at Hinge Marketing. Together, they discuss the.

Research 263

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How to Find Your Voice as a Consultant, Coach, or Speaker with Vocal Coach Sara Giita Flores

Consulting Matters

Why finding your voice is the key that unlocks your consulting or coaching potential Finding your voice isn't just about getting on the stage as a speaker; it's the main thing you need to launch your business, create compelling content, write that book you've dreamed about, and yes, take the stage with confidence. Without it, you don't just feel unheard; your entire vision risks fading into the background.

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As a Solopreneur, Don’t be #OpenToWork on LinkedIn. Do this instead!

Successful Independent Consulting

If you provide services to companies as an independent consultant or to business professionals as an executive coach, you should be using LinkedIn to help build your business. It’s an excellent tool to establish your credibility, create awareness about your expertise and services, expand your network, and of course, keep in touch with your existing connections to help foster referrals.

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PowerPoint Best Practices for Creating Stellar Presentations

Mastering data visualization in PowerPoint will help accelerate your career because it positions you as someone who can present data that drives business decisions forward. think-cell's PowerPoint Best Practices eBook was created specifically for professionals aiming to master the art and science of data-driven storytelling. What’s inside: Practical Insights: Uncover valuable tips for crafting engaging and persuasive presentations.

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35 Best Consulting Websites & How They Use Them (2024)

Consulting Success

“What are examples of the best consulting websites?” 5 years ago, your clients didn’t care about your consulting website. In 2024, 80%+ of potential clients will look at your website before doing business with you. So, I reached out to 35 consultants who have amazing consulting websites: asking them why they have it and the.

More Trending

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Four Mistakes You Must Make to Grow Your Consulting Firm

David A Fields

If you want to build a successful consulting firm, certain errors aren’t just acceptable, they’re practically mandatory. While most readers of these articles are aware of my book, The Irresistible Consultant’s Guide to Winning Clients, fewer are aware of my first book. Almost none are aware of an earlier, unpublished book researched over many years … Continued The post Four Mistakes You Must Make to Grow Your Consulting Firm appeared first on David A.

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5 Ways AI is Revolutionizing Instructional Design

Clarity Consultants

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how many companies operate and handle various tasks. In the world of instructional design, AI is proving a valuable asset by accelerating development timelines, creating more opportunities for personalization, and more. That’s why leading instructional design consultants leverage the technology, as it allows them to offer the best possible results to client organizations.

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Go Slow to Grow Fast: The Steps to Sustainable Consulting & Coaching Success

Consulting Matters

If you want to speed up and sustain your success with your consulting or coaching business – you need to first slow down Want to know the fastest way to make serious money and impact as a consultant or coach? Spoiler alert – it’s NOT “just getting out there and getting clients.” I get the desire for instant results and the pressure to replace your salary with business revenue, but it sets the stage for “hit or miss” results which not only jacks with your

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Rebranding ADEI for the Culture Wars

UPD Consulting

When I founded UPD in 2005, the mission was simple: help build better, higher performing, and more resilient organizations. From the beginning, Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) has been crucial in this mission, not from a moral stance, but because, over and over, studies have shown investment in ADEI leads to better performance outcomes for companies and organizations. 2005 was an interesting year.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Consulting Resources: What We Use & Recommend

Consulting Success

What consulting resources can help you grow your business and save you time and money — enabling you to run a seamless, stress-free business? Below we’ve curated our top consulting resources based on what we use ourselves and what the most successful consultants in our Clarity Coaching Program use. Consulting Resources: Quick Links Customer Relationship.

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The Fed: Chairmen More Powerful Than Presidents

Tom Spencer

This is the second article in a series about the U.S. Federal Reserve. The Fed has significant influence over much of the U.S. economy, which in turn impacts economic growth and government policies worldwide. Thus, Jeremy Powell, current chairman of the Fed, is arguably the most powerful man in the world — in some ways more than the President. This article explores how the Fed uses tools like the federal funds rate and money supply to shape economic outcomes, including inflation.

Banking 88
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Accelerate Your Consulting Firm’s Growth with “RIDE”

David A Fields

You’ve set goals, determined strategy and identified initiatives to build a more successful consulting firm. Are you actually propelling your initiatives powerfully enough to achieve your goals? Any outsider can tell you in a few moments how committed and focused you are and how rapidly your consulting firm will make progress by looking for where … Continued The post Accelerate Your Consulting Firm’s Growth with “RIDE” appeared first on David A.

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Striking the Ethical Balance: Navigating Corporate Learning for Productivity and Well-Being

Clarity Consultants

Organizations face a delicate ethical balancing act of maximizing productivity while ensuring the well-being of their employees. This moral dilemma has gained prominence as businesses increasingly recognize the importance of nurturing a supportive work environment. It involves considerations related to the ethics of corporate training and the complexities of achieving a balance between productivity and the well-being of employees.

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Savings Consultants Are Needed in Today's Market More Than Ever

Savings Consultants are needed in today’s market more than ever. With an increase in expenses, businesses are looking for opportunities to save. Often unknown to businesses are savings in expense reduction, specialized tax savings, specialized savings including medical underpayments, health benefits cost reduction, zero cost processing, and more. Blue Coast Savings, with over 20 years in business, assists Savings Consultants in helping these companies move toward more profitable businesses.

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Embracing Failure: The Unexpected Key to Success

Chad Barr

Have you ever considered that your next setback might pave the way to your most significant triumph? Thomas Edison’s journey to invent the electric light bulb is a testament to this. Despite facing thousands of failures, his unwavering dedication and refusal to surrender culminated in one of the greatest inventions of all time. Consider Steve Jobs in 1985: ousted from Apple, the very company he established.

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Leading by Lending a Hand to Others

Harmonious Workplaces

Strong manager-employee relationships through great leadership leads to positive outcomes After hearing so many people talking about the Apple TV show Ted Lasso and using it in the context of business leadership, I had to see what caused all the buzz. This comedy series features an American football coach with no pedigree but a winning record in the United States who, without any experience or knowledge of the game, becomes the head coach of an elite and beloved British soccer team.

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The Consultant’s Guide To B2B Coaching: How To Use Coaches To Level Up Your Business

Consulting Success

If you want to get in shape, you hire a fitness coach. If you want to get your personal finances in order, you hire a financial advisor. But if you want to grow your consulting business, who can you hire? Do you have to figure it all out by yourself? Or is there a way.

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Delegate Your Way to a Great 2024!

Makarios Consulting

Every leader knows that effective delegation is key to successful leadership. Every leader knows that effective delegation is an unbelievable boon to themselves, their business, and the people they delegate to. Every leader also knows that the results of ineffective delegation range from frustrating to disastrous. In fear of the latter, leaders all too often choose not to delegate at all.

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This White Paper targets opportunities for Management to develop proficiency in the Decision Framing and Analyses element of input to Decision, & Risk Analyses for Major Project Funding Decisions.

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The Unexpected Activity That Wins Raving Fans for Your Consulting Firm

David A Fields

Your consulting firm can generate customer delight, referrals and glowing testimonials by tackling a small, unexpected task for your clients. The Story A simple idea from a true story: A long, long time ago in a city far, far away, when I was an entry-level executive at a large, Midwestern consumer products manufacturer, all employees … Continued The post The Unexpected Activity That Wins Raving Fans for Your Consulting Firm appeared first on David A.

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85 Best Podcast Interview Questions to Ask [2024]


Asking your guests engaging questions is pivotal to the success of interview podcasts and helps differentiate your content from other shows. This guide breaks down how to come up with great questions so you can nail your interviews and keep listeners hooked. Tips for asking great podcast interview questions A little preparation goes a long way toward an engaging conversation.

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A Simple Hack to Help You Communicate More Effectively

Harvard Business

Using a structured approach when communicating can help you prioritize what you need to convey. In this article, the author introduces his “What, So What, Now What” framework. Much like the Swiss Army knife, known for its versatility and reliability, this structure is flexible and can be used in many different communication situations. The structure is comprised of three simple questions: 1) What: Describe and define the facts, situation, product, position, etc. 2) So What: Discuss the implicati

Meeting 101
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Sometimes Doing the Right Thing Involves Risk

Harmonious Workplaces

Leaders striving for a better workplace may suffer consequences In a recent post on LinkedIn from the Business & Management Consultants open group, a contributor posted, “A manager who challenges the boss and stands up for their team, despite risking their own career, is a true leader.” Here’s the link: [link] I could not help but to reflect on my personal experience in my last executive role where I needed to stand up to a bully boss.

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Why You Need to Use Case Studies in Sales and Marketing (and How to Start Now)

Case studies are proof of successful client relations and a verifiable product or service. They persuade buyers by highlighting your customers' experiences with your company and its solution. In sales, case studies are crucial pieces of content that can be tailored to prospects' pain points and used throughout the buyer's journey. In marketing, case studies are versatile assets for generating business, providing reusable elements for ad and social media content, website material, and marketing c

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The Power of Educational Marketing for Consultants with Jodi Daniels: Podcast #317

Consulting Success

Red Clover Advisors is a data privacy consulting firm that helps companies comply with the alphabet soup of privacy loss. Today, joining Michael Zipursky is its Founder and CEO, Jodi Daniels, to share her insights about the power of educational marketing for consultants. She takes us into what’s working in today’s company regarding marketing perspective.

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Effective Agility Requires Cultural Changes: Part 1

Johanna Rothman

I see many teams and team members who say, “Agile stinks. It's a way to force me to work too fast and not finish anything.” When I ask people what's happening, they say: We're doing an agile death march because someone else already told us what we have to do and the date it's due. We have a standup which is more like a serial status report at least once a day for an hour.

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The #1 Rule for a Successful Consulting Firm

David A Fields

Your consulting firm’s clients sometimes miss the basics–the simple, foundational rules that would make them successful. Alas, neither you nor I are immune to falling into that same trap. Therefore, let’s revisit the most important, underlying idea that will make the coming year uber-successful for your consulting firm. Dr. Francis W.

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How to Submit Your Podcast to Spotify: Complete Guide [2024]


Spotify is the world's second most popular podcast directory and accounts for 31.3% of all podcast downloads. It's the most popular podcast app for Android users and the second most popular for iOS users. Listing your podcast on Spotify lets you reach new listeners who don't use traditional podcast apps and gives you access to valuable listener data and analytics.

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The Art of Remote Collaboration: How to Successfully Whiteboard with Remote Teams

Just because we're working with a distributed team doesn't mean we have to abandon time-tested tools and methods like whiteboarding. Digital look-alikes often cramp creativity and all but eliminate the humanity of shared interactions. Hardware solutions are also limiting and, of course, expensive and immobile. In an increasingly digital and remote-first world, it’s important for us to select tools and processes that allow us to mitigate if not eliminate the above problems.