Sat.Sep 09, 2023 - Fri.Sep 15, 2023

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Consulting Firm Founders vs. Leaders vs. Joiners

David A Fields

You’re different from other people. Your Mom always said so, and when was she ever wrong?! Tools like DISC, Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument, Kolbe A, StrengthsFinder, BCPI and other tools are popular because smart folks like you know that understanding different types of people is important. Set aside personality types for the moment, though, and … Continued The post Consulting Firm Founders vs.

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Five Ways to Raise your Game in Consulting

The Consultants Peer Group

Over a short two-day span several consulting related articles caught my attention. First, Confessions of a Whistleblower by Garrison Lovely highlighted several cultural problems at the consulting firm, McKinsey. Lovely writes openly his experiences working in the $15 Billion annual revenue (2022) firm and recommends an approach to more accountability, especially in government arenas.

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Employee Experience for Consultants: How to Help Your Team Thrive with Kalyn Ponti: Podcast #307

Consulting Success

“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” – Simon Sinek. Investing in your team and providing them with a great experience will drive them to perform better. In this episode, Kalyn Ponti, the CEO of Humankind, sprinkles her expertise on how consulting firm owners.

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The Myth of the CEO as Ultimate Decision Maker

Harvard Business

Chief executives are responsible for guiding corporations, so the role inevitably requires making many decisions. But people overestimate the level of personal involvement CEOs have in this process. Instead of making decisions, CEOs tend to shape decisions, by designing the process, choosing when to participate directly, and monitoring the work — a selective process that mirrors the choices CEOs must make when carrying out other responsibilities.

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PowerPoint Best Practices for Creating Stellar Presentations

Mastering data visualization in PowerPoint will help accelerate your career because it positions you as someone who can present data that drives business decisions forward. think-cell's PowerPoint Best Practices eBook was created specifically for professionals aiming to master the art and science of data-driven storytelling. What’s inside: Practical Insights: Uncover valuable tips for crafting engaging and persuasive presentations.

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How Scrum Masters Use Facilitative Leadership Especially When Planning, Part 4

Johanna Rothman

Back in Part 1 of this series, I explained all the problems I saw with this interview question: “The product owner and dev team cannot decide on a sprint goal, even after hours of discussion. They (the team) feel that the tasks for the sprint are too varied to manage to a single sprint goal. What should the Scrum Master do?” My final problem was this: Why did anyone allow hours of discussion?

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Nonprofit Consulting: How To Start A Nonprofit Consulting Business

Consulting Success

If you’ve worked in the nonprofit sector, you’ve gained valuable experience and wisdom — experience and wisdom nonprofit organizations would pay for. Why not take your experience and use it to start a non-profit consulting business? Consider the example of non-profit consultant Douglas Nelson and his consultancy The Discovery Group. Douglas works with medium and.

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Business Ecosystems: Building Stronger Connections

Tom Spencer

Are you an iPhone user? If you are, then it is very probable that you also own an iPad, a MacBook, and Airpods. Do you frequently order from Amazon? If so, it is reasonable to assume that you own an Alexa homekit and a Kindle e-reader too! Apple’s and Amazon’s product lines are showcase examples of how to build a business ecosystem. What does the buzzword ‘business ecosystem’ really stand for?

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Q4 2023 Writing Workshop Open for Registration

Johanna Rothman

Do you want to improve your nonfiction writing skills? I offer a 6-week writing workshop to do just that. You'll learn how to write faster and better, all while educating, influencing, and entertaining your readers. (That's a big part of how you sell your nonfiction ideas.) And if you write, I'll offer you feedback so you can learn to recognize the specific traps that prevent you from writing fast and well.

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Scrubbing Toilets or Resolving Conflict … Which Do You Prefer?

Makarios Consulting

Ask leaders to rank their responsibilities from “This is my absolute favorite!” to “I would rather scrub toilets than do this” and there is one duty you will consistently find at the bottom of the list: resolving conflict. However, just like scrubbing toilets, dealing with conflict is a necessary activity. And, like scrubbing toilets, it is necessary a lot more often than we would like.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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5 Ways to Actually Move Forward on That Task You’ve Been Avoiding

Harvard Business

It’s human nature to procrastinate — but it can be devastating for your future goals if you continually procrastinate on projects that are important but not urgent. In this article, the author offers five strategies to overcome procrastination on ambiguous but essential tasks: 1) Get clear on the vision. 2) Identify concrete steps. 3) Take (small) action. 4) Create forcing functions. 5) Limit competing distractions.

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Consultants' Consultant

Consultants Consultant: This morning I listened to a few interesting podcasts from Freakonomics. The one on. The post Freakonomics appeared first on Consultants' Consultant.

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Companies Entering US Market Get Aid

Business Consulting Agency

Expanding into the United States, the world’s largest and most dynamic economy, presents an array of opportunities for foreign companies. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges and complexities. To successfully enter and thrive in the US market, many foreign firms turn to business consulting services and consultants. In this article, we will explore how these services play a crucial role in facilitating market entry for foreign companies, backed by facts and statistics.

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How to Use ChatGPT for Business Success: Interview with Chad Barr

Chad Barr

What is the value of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool ChatGPT for business and personal life? How do you use it safely and avoid pitfalls? Guest Chad Barr demonstrates how to apply human intelligence to maximize the benefits and minimize the downsides of Chat GPT. He also addresses how to save time and get better business outcomes. Chad Barr is the Digital Empire Creator.

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Savings Consultants Are Needed in Today's Market More Than Ever

Savings Consultants are needed in today’s market more than ever. With an increase in expenses, businesses are looking for opportunities to save. Often unknown to businesses are savings in expense reduction, specialized tax savings, specialized savings including medical underpayments, health benefits cost reduction, zero cost processing, and more. Blue Coast Savings, with over 20 years in business, assists Savings Consultants in helping these companies move toward more profitable businesses.

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What Makes a Great Corporate Purpose Statement

Harvard Business

Having a well-crafted purpose statement really matters. Not only does it represent the organization’s aspirations, it also sends signals to employees about what the company stands for. It is the vital first step on the road to actually embedding and activating an authentic purpose. Yet leaders often struggle to articulate an appropriate and inspiring purpose statement due to a lack of guidance concerning the focus, scope, and form of expression they should aim for.

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My week in podcasts

Consultants' Consultant

Consultants Consultant: Fabulous bureaucracy hacking – Marina Nitze has so many smart clever ways to circumvent. The post My week in podcasts appeared first on Consultants' Consultant.

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Maximizing Success: Elevate Marketing Results

Business Consulting Agency

In today’s digital age, effective marketing is essential for business success. However, achieving outstanding marketing results can be a daunting task, given the ever-evolving landscape of online platforms, consumer behavior, and emerging technologies. This is where marketing consulting services come into play, serving as a guiding light for companies seeking to enhance their websites, marketing strategies, campaigns, and overall results.

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The Malignant, Not Enough Disease

Action Plan

In working with clients over the years, we often explored core beliefs that held them back. One of the most common (but least recognized) was, “I am not enough.” This belief can lead to a wide range of behaviors that tend to sabotage our efforts. Here are some of the most common ones we explored: 1. Perfectionism: This shows up as rarely completing projects or not even starting projects because of the unrealistically high standards they have set for themselves. 2.

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This White Paper targets opportunities for Management to develop proficiency in the Decision Framing and Analyses element of input to Decision, & Risk Analyses for Major Project Funding Decisions.

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Is Organizational Hierarchy Getting in the Way of Innovation?

Harvard Business

Technological advances and increasingly sophisticated ways of gathering and analyzing data are changing both the kinds of products and services companies can offer and are increasing competitive pressures. To meet the moment, this article argues that organizations may need to change the way they operate to innovate. Specifically, the authors suggest that companies should consider a version of RenDanHeYi.

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Embracing Selfless Love in the Workplace

Organizational Talent Consulting

Without selfless love in the workplace, the best of what might be is impossible to achieve. Stop and think about the implications of that statement for a moment. There is no serious debate that well-designed organizations with clear organizational strategies influence desired behaviors, culture, and performance. Numerous studies identify failure as often tied to misalignment between the organization and its operational environment.

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Navigating Business Startups to Success

Business Consulting Agency

Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey to start a business is an exhilarating but often daunting endeavor. While the prospect of building a successful enterprise is enticing, the complexities and uncertainties that come with it can be overwhelming. This is where the expertise and guidance of business startup consultants become invaluable. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into why starting a business is significantly more manageable with expert assistance and how working with profes

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What It Takes To Scale A Business With Keith Smith

Strategic Planning and Management Insights

Keith Smith, the president of Vonco Products, imparts his wisdom and experience to scale a business and the efforts it took to thrive in his position today.

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Why You Need to Use Case Studies in Sales and Marketing (and How to Start Now)

Case studies are proof of successful client relations and a verifiable product or service. They persuade buyers by highlighting your customers' experiences with your company and its solution. In sales, case studies are crucial pieces of content that can be tailored to prospects' pain points and used throughout the buyer's journey. In marketing, case studies are versatile assets for generating business, providing reusable elements for ad and social media content, website material, and marketing c

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When It Comes to Compensation, More Equity Isn’t Always Better

Harvard Business

The authors research found that people often overestimate the value of stock options when assessing a startup job offers. They incorrectly believe that a higher number of shares translates into superior compensation even when it doesn’t. Five steps can help you avoid this mistake.

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The Santa problem

Seth Godin Blog

An echo chamber is created by a marketer to assemble a group of people who are insulated from conventional discourse. It can happen to sports and music fans, to investors, to companies that have confidence in their view of the world, or to social or political gatherings. We support an echo chamber when we can gain status or find tribal affiliation by adhering to its rules.

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Boosting Business Profitability

Business Consulting Agency

In the fiercely competitive world of business, achieving and sustaining profitability is the ultimate goal. To navigate the complexities of the marketplace and maximize revenue while minimizing costs, many companies turn to business consulting services. These services offer a wealth of expertise, strategies, and solutions aimed at increasing profitability.

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Elevate Your CEO Game: Winning Strategies And AI Innovation With Will Robinson

Strategic Planning and Management Insights

Discover the keys to successful CEO leadership with Will Robinson, CEO of Encapture. Learn how AI and innovation drive growth and empower teams.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.