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Why Your Employees Aren't Committed to Your Company Strategy

Organizational Talent Consulting

This is alarming, given evidence a direct positive correlation exists between employee commitment to strategy and employee involvement in strategy development. Here is what leaders need to know to be more inclusive in strategy development and how to overcome three common barriers.

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5 Ways the Best Companies Close the Strategy-Execution Gap

Harvard Business

Today’s successful companies close the strategy-to-performance gap with a new strategy approach best described as “Decide-Do/Refine-Do” This agile, test-and-learn approach is better suited to today’s tumultuous environment. Today’s leaders need a new approach to strategy development.

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Close the Gap Between Designing and Delivering a Strategy That Works - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM BRIGHTLINE

Harvard Business

More than half the companies said they struggle to bridge the gap between strategy development and its practical, day-to-day implementation. For the Leaders, strategy design and delivery form a continuum, allowing both to evolve as conditions require. Strategy delivery balances responsiveness and long-term vision.