Four Traits of Passionate People

Five years and two weeks ago I recorded a Monday Morning Minute entitled the Four Traits of Passionate People. It is one of the top ten posts out of the 650 blogs and videos I’ve written over the last eleven years.

I’m distributing it for a second time today not in a Facebook “Throwback Thursday” type of way, but as reminder that passion is essential in order to not simply endure a pandemic, but to excel as a consequence of the pandemic.

Yes, I know there are thousands of people who are struggling and are in dire straits. I also know that there are a vital few who in the face of tremendous hardship are able to embody the four traits outlined in this video.

If you would find it helpful to have a conversation about how you can find or rekindle your passion, send me a private email at and we’ll schedule a forty-five minute call. I’d be honored to be of help.

Video notes:

This week I want to talk to you about whether you’re passionate. Passion gets bantered around a fair amount these days in the world of work, but I’m going to suggest you stop thinking about employee engagement, and start thinking about employee passion. Let me tell you why.

Passion is the fuel that drives people. It compels people to do things that they may not know how to do. There are four traits and characteristics of passionate people. They are:

  1. Curiosity. Passionate people are always looking to learn new things. They will uncover new ideas by looking in the strangest of places, they will overturn rocks, they will open drawers that nobody else has opened before because they’re genuinely curious.

  2. Courageous. Passionate people are willing to be uncomfortable and they are willing to push themselves outside of the known, safe, and predictable to learn more and to take what they’ve learned and apply it in ways that challenge them.

  3. Committed to exemplary work. Passionate people don’t do just ordinary work…that’s not acceptable to someone who’s passionate. Someone who is passionate says, “What I want to strive for is the exemplary and that is what I will do.” Extraordinary and exemplary work…that is the line that they have drawn in the sand.

  4. Community. They have a community of like minded co-collaborators that are willing to challenge themselves, that are willing to learn, that are committed to exemplary growth. They come together, they share best practices, they teach one another, they learn from one another.

So they’re curious, they’re courageous, they’re committed, and they have a community. Here’s the question though: do people describe you as passionate? Would people describe your employees as passionate? Would you describe your customers as passionate about your organization?

Ladies and gentlemen, infusing passion into an organization starts with the organizations leaders. So this week, I suggest you ask yourself those three questions. On a scale of one to ten with one being low and ten being high, how passionate am I for my work? On a scale of one to ten, how passionate are my employees? And on a scale of one to ten, how passionate are our customers for our services? If you start asking these three questions you’re going to have a fabulous week.

That’s the Monday Morning Minute. I hope you have a fabulous week, and I’ll see you here again next week. Take care.


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