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Navigating International Markets: 6 Steps To Expanding Your Business

By Matthew Clark
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In an increasingly interconnected global economy, international markets present massive opportunities for businesses seeking long-term growth.

However, entering foreign territories requires meticulous planning and informed decision-making.

Even well-established and seemingly infallible companies can get this wrong: Starbucks struggled in Australia, Walmart pulled out of Germany and Target failed in a simple expansion into Canada.

This begs the question: if those giants fail on the international stage, how can your consulting business succeed?

In this article, I’ll share the six essential steps for assessing international markets and selecting the most promising ones for expansion.

Step 1: Market Research

Embarking on an international expansion begins with comprehensive market research. Market research lays the groundwork for informed decision-making.

To conduct effective market research, businesses should consider the following key elements:

Market Size and Growth Potential

Analyze data on the target country’s GDP, population, and projected economic growth. This information will indicate the market’s size and potential for expansion.

Don’t fall prey to the idea that “bigger is always better”, but look for evidence that the market size and its future potential represent a large enough opportunity for your business.

For example, China’s market size may dwarf those of Vietnam and Thailand, but other factors in those markets may tip the scales in their favor.

Competitive Landscape

Identify existing players in the market and assess their market share, product offerings, and strategies.

A competitor analysis will help determine your competitive advantage and market positioning.

U.K.-based app Hailo was very successful in its home market but found that it could not survive the intense pricing war in the U.S. market against competitors such as Lyft and Uber.

Cultural Differences

Understand the cultural norms, values, and preferences of the target market.

Adapting marketing messages and branding to align with cultural nuances enhances customer engagement.

Don’t underestimate the massive impact that cultural preferences play on consumer behavior.

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For example, Walmart assumed that Germans would automatically be drawn to their low prices and great selection.

However, they completely failed to anticipate how repelled Germans were by store greeters and grocery baggers — two practices so ingrained in Walmart’s model that they were never considered until it was too late.

Regulatory Environment

Complying with local laws and regulations is crucial for smooth market entry.

Identify any legal barriers or restrictions that may impact your business operations.

Market research lays the groundwork for informed decision-making.

Step 2: Define Your Expansion Criteria

As you contemplate entering new markets, establish clear expansion criteria aligned with your business objectives and resources.

Consider the following factors to define your expansion criteria:

Market Potential

Prioritize markets with high growth potential and demand for your products or services. Analyze economic indicators and demographic trends to identify target markets.

Cultural Compatibility

Assess whether your products align with the cultural values and preferences of the target market. Tailoring your offerings to meet local expectations fosters customer loyalty.

Ease of Doing Business

Evaluate the ease of setting up and operating a business in the target country. Factors like business regulations, tax policies, and bureaucratic processes can significantly impact your operations.

Political Stability

Stability in the target country’s political landscape reduces the risks associated with international expansion.

Prioritize markets with high growth potential and demand for your products or services.

Step 3: Evaluate Market Demand

Understanding market demand is instrumental in shaping your expansion strategy.

To evaluate market demand, take the following steps:

Target Customer Analysis

Identify your target customer segments in the new market and assess their needs and preferences. Conduct surveys and focus groups to gain insights into consumer behavior.

Avoid the tendency to do this from your home market. Get as “close” to the customer as possible and conduct your research in-country yourself or via a local research firm.

Market Gap Analysis

Analyze the existing products and services in the market to identify gaps or unmet needs.

Positioning your offerings to address these gaps will define your competitive edge.

Step 4: Identify Cultural and Regulatory Considerations

Adapting to cultural nuances and navigating regulatory landscapes are pivotal to successful market entry.

To effectively address cultural and regulatory considerations:

Cultural Adaptation

Customize your marketing messages, branding, and product packaging to align with local culture and language.

Engaging in localized advertising campaigns will strengthen your brand’s connection with the target audience.


Translate your website, product descriptions, and customer support materials into the local language to provide a seamless customer experience.

Don’t rely upon AI-generated translations that may overlook subtle nuances, have a local resource review them as well.

Also, realize that localization goes well beyond simple translation. Messaging, images, and other content must be adapted to local norms as well.

Compliance and Legal Support

Seek legal counsel to understand the regulatory requirements for operating in the new market. Complying with tax laws, product safety regulations, and intellectual property rights are essential for long-term success.

Step 5: Identify Suitable Sales Channels

Selecting the right sales channels plays a vital role in reaching your target audience effectively.

To identify suitable sales channels, consider the following options:


Establishing an online presence can be cost-effective and efficient, especially if you’re targeting tech-savvy markets. Partnering with local e-commerce platforms will enhance brand visibility and customer accessibility.

Distributors and Agents

Collaborate with local distributors or agents to leverage their established networks and market expertise. These partnerships can accelerate market penetration and reduce operational barriers.

Choose your partners carefully as partnerships are often easy to enter and difficult to dissolve.

Joint Ventures and Partnerships

Forming strategic alliances with local companies through joint ventures or partnerships can provide access to shared resources and local market knowledge.

Physical Stores

If your product requires in-person demonstrations or sales support, opening brick-and-mortar stores or franchising could be suitable options.

Forming strategic alliances with local companies through joint ventures or partnerships can provide access to shared resources and local market knowledge.

Step 6: Test and Validate

Before committing significant resources, validate your expansion strategy through small-scale tests and pilot projects. To conduct effective testing and validation, do the following.

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Pilot Projects

Launch small-scale initiatives or pilot projects in select regions or cities to gauge customer response and identify potential challenges.

Market Surveys

Conduct market surveys to gather feedback from target customers about their preferences, needs, and perceptions of your brand.

Measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Establish KPIs to track the success of your pilot projects and use the data to refine your expansion strategy.


Venturing into international markets demands a methodical approach and a willingness to adapt to diverse cultures and regulations.

Through diligent market research, well-defined expansion criteria, and understanding market demand and competition, you can pave the way for successful global expansion.

matthew clark consultantMatt Clark is a Clarity Coaching client and the Founder of Pangea Consulting, is a serial entrepreneur who specializes in steering high-growth companies through successful international expansion. With over two decades of experience, his proven methodology for international scaling spans industries and has propelled startups and industry leaders to achieve global success.

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