Hugh’s Words of Wisdom Wednesday 09.16.2020: Let It Go

Hello, everyone, welcome to Hugh's Words of Wisdom Wednesday.

I want to give you these words. Let it go. This morning I came in to do the Words of Wisdom for Wednesday, and my camera wasn't working, so I had to regroup. I'm recording all of the Words of Wisdom on my iPhone with different light and headset. I could get kind of cranky and upset that my equipment didn't work. Or, I could let it go and say, well, how can I get it done?

Far too often, we lament that something isn't working instead of asking how do I make it work? There are days when you just have to let it go and go to Plan B. Today is one of those days, and I'm using plan B. If the quality of the video is less then perfect, I'm OK with that because the bottom line is that I want to make progress as opposed to seeking perfection. Today, I'm letting it go because this is where we are, and this is what we're doing.

And therein lies great words of wisdom for pretty much all of life. What do you need to let go of? Just let it go and move on. Make progress. Don't seek perfection, unless perfection involves watching all the Words of Wisdom for Wednesday, then be perfect in that regard. Thanks, everyone. I appreciate you. And remember, live boldly.


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