Internet Monetization Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 313

How does one leverage the Internet to monetize their business and increase their revenue? It boils down to successful brands, successful products and services, increased revenues that are executed over time. Let me articulate further:

Brand: The more products, services and intellectual property you create, that is directly and uniquely attributed to you, the stronger and more successful your brand becomes. For example, one of the brands I have created is: Creating Digital Global Empires® which is also a registered trademark. I know for a fact that many of our clients think of us when they think of creating their digital empire. What action can you take today to start building, nurturing and strengthening your various brands?

Products and services: You need to have something effective to sell on the Internet in order to monetize it. It could be online courses, books, webinars, even access to you. What products and services can you create and market on the Internet?

Revenues: When your brand is strong, and you have exciting and desired products and services to market on the web, your revenues are sure to climb.

As I noted in the visual, the longer your brand, products and services have been around and the more success they have gained, the more their inherent impact on your revenues and your ability to effectively monetize your Internet efforts.

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