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Leveraging Learning: the videos

Click here to jump straight to the Q&A video and drawings.

There are 8 short videos in this week’s series:

The workbook is the same as last week, but if you need it again, it’s here.

If you’d like to read more about 4mat, the cpd hierarchy or training needs analysis, click here to download a pdf from the Presentation Mastery manual.

1. Leveraging Learning Chapter 1: Overview

2. Leveraging Learning: Chapter 2: Number 1 thing


3. Leveraging Learning: Chapter 3: Preparing a why frame


4. Leveraging Learning: Chapter 4: Preparing a what frame


5. Leveraging Learning: Chapter 5: Preparing a how frame

Here’s a pdf of program notes I wrote specifically for creatives wanting to work in corporate. The hero’s journey – bringing creative work to corporates. It uses 4mat to talk about how to prepare and present.


6. Leveraging Learning: Chapter 6: Preparing a what next frame

Download the yellow pages I drew throughout these videos here.


7. Leveraging Learning: Chapter 7: To make sure they are listening


Printed material

Here are all the downloads of printed material

The Q&A Videos

Here’s a video of the live online seminar, which covers the same material.

And click here to download the pdf of the drawings I make in the live Q&A video.

And I mention in the Q&A this: Presentation Mastery manual sections on 4mat cpd and tna

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