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Lessons From Conan, Kimmel And Schumer On How To Be Funny Like A Comedian

Updated Jul 27, 2018, 01:31pm EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

Will funny make you more money?

High performers in every field are constantly seeking new skills and ways to gain a competitive advantage. “Humor is like a secret weapon that’s been hiding in plain sight for years,” says author Karyn Buxman. “Charismatic leaders and top salespeople have been among the early adopters of applied humor.”

Humor can be a powerful tool for attracting high-paying clients. “The emerging field of applied humor has reached a tipping point: it is time to take humor seriously,” says Buxman.

Henry DeVries

Buxman is a neurohumorist (one who studies the intersection of humor and the brain). She is a thought leader on the subject of applied humor in business. She actually makes a living studying how the humor of people like Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Kimmel and Amy Schumer affect the brain.

For 30 years she has been researching, teaching, and tracking the field of applied humor. In her upcoming book, Funny Means Money: Strategic Humor for Influence, she addresses the hard-headed, results-oriented world of business.

I ran into Buxman at Comic-Con 2018 in San Diego when she was speaking to actor Kathy Najimy (Sister Act, Hocus Pocus, WALL-E) about comedy. Buxman goes far and wide to study humor. I asked her for some advice on applied humor in business.

“Our sense of humor is an ability—it is inborn, hardwired into humans,” says Buxman. “It is also a skill—one that can be taught, put to work, and mastered. To not use our sense of humor is a tragedy, a waste, and counter-productive.”

Buxman (“The other humorist from Hannibal, Missouri”) researched humor and communications for her master’s thesis; co-created the Laughter Yoga movement in America; co-founded the notorious Journal of Nursing Jocularity; and presented the TEDx talk “How Humor Saved the World.”

“The anecdotal evidence has given way to scientific and social research that proves the practical benefits of applied humor—for personal wellbeing and for social and business success,” says Buxman.

High-performance humor is the intentional use of humor for a desired outcome—consistently and over time. Buxman says it is the masters level of applied and strategic humor. (“It’s akin to earning a black belt in the art and practice of humor.”)

One of her key findings is that positive humor is a powerful force that improves influence across all skill sets and roles.

Many scientific/serious/verified business studies have proven that positive humor can measurably increase sales; improve customer satisfaction; enhance communications among employees; improve morale and create a more positive corporate culture; and reduce stress, which decreases absenteeism, and improves retention.

  • A Wharton University study found that people who included purposeful humor into presentations were perceived to be more intelligent and more confident.
  • The Wall Street Journal “...research shows that humor is a powerful tool that can burnish our image and build a stronger workplace.”
  • A Bell Leadership Institute study found that the two most desirable traits in leaders are a strong work ethic and a good sense of humor.

“Most people are funny occasionally; it’s a somewhat random happening,” says Buxman. “Some people recognize that when humor is used consciously and purposefully, it helps you influence others; it can grab attention, it can bond people, it can signal confidence. And only a few people—high performers—recognize the true power of humor, and use it consistently and over time; enhancing their status and influence.”