Inarticulate ramblings of a management consultant

the day to day experiences of a consultant operating in weird and wonderful client situations

The Myopia of Modern Business

Morning all, thanks for all your encouragement and various messages from last week…I appreciate all of it enormously and I’m excited about the opportunities for our baby going forward.

Here is a link to an article written by my colleague, David Boyd. He captures beautifully the inherent conflict between the behaviour which we’re expected to exhibit in our corporate lives and that which is critical for our daily survival….characterised by Daniel Kahneman respectively as System One and System Two. Specifically the expectation that we can morph easily between these as a matter of choice, and that any other behaviour is a sign of a lack of commitment or poor practice!

Little wonder perhaps that employee engagement levels are at an all time low and in the UK specifically, we continue to struggle with productivity.

As ever, any comments / thoughts / ideas are welcome. You’ll find this and other articles related to our new venture, ‘The Agile Gorilla’ if you click on this link.

Categories: Transformation

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