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Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain And What Keeps You Up At Night

Updated Jun 19, 2018, 04:58pm EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

Do you ask your clients what keeps them up at night?

In the wake of the reported suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, the important question of “what keeps your clients up at night?” was posed by Brigadier General Becky Halstead, U.S. Army (Retired) at the annual meeting of the Speaking Consultants Network (SCN) in Anaheim, California.

“Did someone ask Kate what was keeping her up at night?” pondered Halstead, a West Point graduate who retired as a general in 2008.

Media reports of two June of 2018 high-profile suicides have highlighted rising suicide rates among middle-aged adults. Kate Spade, 55, an American fashion designer, was found dead in her Manhattan home of an apparent suicide. Anthony Bourdain, 61, who was in France shooting an episode of his popular CNN series Parts Unknown, was found dead in his hotel room and French authorities reported the cause of death as suicide.

Halstead’s point to the consultants in attendance was this: consultants should be curious about more than their client’s business health, but the client’s personal health as well.

In her command Halstead wanted curious soldiers who asked critical questions.

While training in Hawaii she posted an article to the soldiers in her command about the Army first lieutenant on duty at the island of Oahu radar station on December 7, 1941 who said “don’t worry about it” when two radar operators reported an unusually large “blip” on their radar screen. The blip turned out to be the first wave of more than 180 Japanese planes leading a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

Halstead pointed out that a little curiosity could have saved many lives that day if the officer had been more curious and the U.S. forces were ready for the attack.

Halstead has translated her military leadership principles and lessons to what consultants must face. She is the author of 24/7: The First Person You Must Lead is YOU.

Halstead shared simple truths that every consultant should consider:

  1. You have at least one person to lead: yourself
  2. Leadership is your choice
  3. You lead differently because of your unique “leader DNA”
  4. You must identify your strengths and manage your weaknesses: you have both
  5. When you lead yourself better, you lead others better

The culmination of Halstead’s career came in 2006 when she became the first female chief of ordnance and commanding general of the Army’s Ordnance Center and Schools (equivalent to being president of a university). She chose to leave the army for health reasons.

“I was more fit in the army, but I am healthier today,” said Halstead to the 125 consultants gathered to hear her speak.