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Three Goals for Leaders in the New Year

Set GoalsAs the New Year gets started, leaders should set goals for themselves, just as they do for their business and just as they do for their employees. There are any number of goals that an individual leader might set; but consider these three key goals for every leader:

  1. Get employees more involved in the business. Employees who are involved in the business are more engaged and committed. They feel a part of something bigger. Consider asking employees to serve on special project teams, get involved in improving business processes or help solve thorny business problems.
  2. Determine how you will develop your own skills in the upcoming year. Set a professional development plan for yourself! What skills do you need to further develop? Where could you benefit from more knowledge to more effectively manage the organization, your division, department and/or your staff?
  3. Develop a strategic plan and manage to it for the year. If you don’t have a current one, develop your strategic plan for the next 3 – 5 years. Use the strategic plan to determine projects to be launched and determine the best decisions to reach those goals identified in the plan.

What goals might you set for the upcoming year?

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