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Mistakes That Kill An Elevator Pitch (Even Virtual Ones)

Updated Jun 30, 2020, 03:42pm EDT
This article is more than 3 years old.

Most business development elevator speeches do not reach the top floor: the decision maker’s brain.

Let’s say you are successful at getting a conversation (probably virtual) with a decision maker. Or you bump into a decision maker through networking (maybe virtual too). How do you answer their question, “What do you do?”

“Do not begin by talking about yourself,” says Bryan Gray, CEO of Revenue Path Group. “Instead, open with something powerful that will create value. The first 30 to 45 seconds are crucial.”

Gray advises to begin your first few precious seconds discussing their pains. Then tell a story about them because that involves them emotionally. Discoveries in neuroscience prove decision-making is largely emotional, not logical. So how can you persuade the emotional part of the brain?

“Do not get the order wrong because this is a contest to win over the primitive brain,” says Gray in a book I am helping him edit. “If you start with a story you will lose the brain.”

From there you are going to engage in a conversation. A brain that is conversing about how to solve its pains is a fully engaged brain.

“The day I realized I was selling to a three-pound organ called the brain, my life changed,” said Gray. “When I discovered there’s a pathway to decision making, I felt I could make the adjustment.”

Once when best-selling author and speaker Judy Carter (who I also met when I helped edit one of her books) was on a plane, a c-level executive sitting next to her asked the question.

Said Carter: “I bet it is a question you get asked all the time: What do you do?”

The way she answered that question made her $160,000.

“So how did I answer that question? I first started by asking her, ‘Tell me a little about what you do and your business.’”

The lady talked about all the stress she deals with while working in HR and dealing with non-military contractors. “The mood and the department is just dismal, we can’t keep up with demands and the government is constantly changing things on us. People are working long hours and everybody is cranky,” said the executive.

Then Carter gave her elevator pitch that addressed the pain.

“Alright, let me tell you what I do,” said Carter. “You know how change and all the new government policies like you are dealing with and downsizing creates all this frustration? Well I spent years as a headlining stand-up comic and I wrote a book that was on ‘Oprah’ about how to turn problems into punchlines and I speak on stress reduction. I use a very unusual technique. I speak on the techniques of comedy, using something as simple as your sense of humor to solve problems. And believe me, I know about problems, especially from growing up with an alcoholic father. So what I do is I show people how to use comedy and improv as a communications and stress reduction tool. I show people how not to leave their sense of humor at home, but how to use it appropriately at work and even use it as a speaking and leadership tool. What are the results I get? Well my clients tell me after I speak they hear laughter at work. Let’s face it, Corporate America has become humor impaired. People need laughter and that laughter has great results as conflict turns into camaraderie when people communicate better. One client said after I spoke people were saying: ‘Thank god it’s Monday.’”

This total stranger on the plane said to Carter, “Oh my God do we need you.”

“She hired me 15 minutes into the flight.” said Carter. “And that turned into speaking gigs for many areas of the military: the Air Force, the Army, and spouse groups. I got so many referrals, all from that one stranger on a plane asking me, ‘What do you do?’”

That is the power of an elevator pitch that reaches the brain of a decision maker.

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