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Attract High-Paying Clients With A Proprietary Problem-Solving Process

Updated Apr 4, 2022, 03:58am EDT
This article is more than 2 years old.

If you want to attract high-playing clients, take a cue from a trusted advisor who regularly attracts seven-figure investors.

“Attracting ideal clients is more than a numbers game in today’s world,” says four-time author Brittany Anderson.

Anderson offers a proprietary trademarked planning process that focuses on dreaming to attract million-dollar investors. She says it is the intersection of where money and mindset meet.

“Some may say differentiation and a target niche is the secret to success,” says Anderson. “While those things are important, the best client relationships are built out of impact and helping the person realize possibility for their future with the help of your services.”

Like Anderson, you should create a trademarked way of solving client problems. Give the process a name and take the steps to trademark the process, which communicates this is a key part of your brand. Without a proprietary process, you are just a commodity.

Anderson, partner and president at Sweet Financial Partners, has coached hundreds of business owners and entrepreneurs.

“At face value, high-net-worth investors may be looking for creative tax planning strategies, investment vehicles that help them advance and preserve their wealth, and an advisor to lean on throughout the process,” says Anderson. “What we have found they are actually searching for is a deeper purpose and meaning for their years of saving and accumulation.”

All of the money in the world doesn’t matter when there isn’t a clear intent for what it can do for the person’s life and legacy.

“There is a massive shift occurring in the wealth advising and planning industry,” says Anderson. “While basic investment management used to do the job for seven, eight, and nine- figure investors, that isn’t the case anymore. We are at a time where, thanks to advances in the medical field, people are living longer.”

What does living longer have to do with investment strategies? Everything.

Anderson says health and longevity impact not only the numbers side of a person’s plan, but also how they think about retirement in general. What used to be a ten-to-fifteen-year slowdown period heading into retirement is now turning into a runway toward opportunity.

This is why her firm created its trademarked process called The Dream Architect. When you trademark your process, you communicate to prospects that this is important intellectual property that differentiates you from the average advisor.

“We believe that every person has the right to realize exponential possibility for their future,” says Anderson. “What began as a four-step planning process has turned into a method of helping people to identify their values, change their mindset around the term ‘returns.’ We provide ample resources to help people pursue experiences they never thought possible. Our hope is that by helping others identify their why in retirement, people will live more fulfilled and longer retirements.”

Bottom line: it pays to brand yourself with a proprietary, trademarked process.

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