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How To Use Humor In Marketing Campaigns

Updated Sep 10, 2018, 12:07pm EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

“The connection between corporate strategy and humor is clear,” says business transformation expert Gabor George Burt.

Along with cofounders Jamie Anderson and Art Reid, Burt recently launched Stand-Up Strategist (SUS) as the first rating platform to recognize and celebrate the important role of humor in corporate leadership, strategy and culture.

The inaugural 2018 SUS Top 23 List selects, ranks and applauds the most outstanding April Fools’ Day campaigns from companies around the world.

“Like the navigation of a vehicle, smart strategies must guide an organization in the direction of ongoing relevance,” says Burt. “The engine that propels the vehicle forward is innovation, and the engine’s fuel is creativity. One of the key elements and manifestations of creativity is humor.”

Ah, humor in marketing. Burger King published a full-page newspaper ad in USA Today announcing a new menu item, the “Left-Handed Whopper.” Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic said he was buying Pluto and reinstating it as a planet. Procter & Gamble announced plans to create a bacon-flavored Scope mouthwash. These are all examples of using humorous, April Fools’ Day campaigns as a powerful corporate branding and marketing platform.

“April Fools’ Day is the one day per year when adults have full license to celebrate humor and be playful,” says Burt. “It's no wonder that more and more organizations around the world are getting involved in creating April Fools campaigns every year, as they recognize the vital role of humor in driving their ongoing success.”

April Fools' Day (sometimes called All Fools' Day) is not an official holiday but the annual, international celebration of laughter, mischief and farce. Media outlets often report the fabricated corporate campaigns in the news, typically unveiling it the next day as a hoax.

The annual selection culminates in a high-profile awards ceremony event. Top 2018 winners include Swiss-based Logitech for its BS Detection campaign; US-based Life Storage for Howie the AI Bot; and Australian ME Bank’s introduction of disposable credit cards.

Burt says the core inspiration for SUS was a quote by Albert Einstein: “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.”

Accordingly, the humorous probing of the absurd through conceiving and executing April Fool’s Day campaigns, enables companies to unleash the creative potential of their staff, connect emotionally with customers and lay the seed for new, future-shaping strategic directions.

The full list of 2018 finalists and their campaigns can be viewed at According to Burt, rankings were based on criteria designed to capture the corporate impact of humor:

Entertainment Value: “How universally funny, original and clever is the underlying concept? To what extent does it make you laugh, ponder, and make you want to share it with others?”

Quality of Execution: “How well is the underlying concept presented, what is the level of execution, attention to detail and overall campaign quality?”

Opportunistic Absurdity: “To what extent does the underlying concept actually capture the seed of a new business idea or potential market offering?

Brand Relevance: “To what extent is the underlying concept consistent with, and can help propel the brand essence and market positioning of the company behind it?

Cultural Impact: “To what extent can the underlying concept serve to unify and align the staff of the company behind it around optimal strategy and culture?”

“Our inaugural Top 23 rankings of 2018 April Fools’ Day campaigns features companies from 11 countries on three continents,” says Burt. “Drawing inspiration, companies should grasp the importance of humor and join the April Fools’ Day fun by creating their own campaign for 2019. The time to start preparations for next year is now.”

Beware before you jump into using the funny approach. Humor can be a two-edged sword in marketing, one that cuts through the clutter but can also come back to hurt the company. Many a humorous campaign has backfired.