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How To Communicate Like A Boss The Arthur Samuel Joseph Way

Updated Aug 27, 2019, 02:22pm EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

Do you know what perhaps is the most powerful and underutilized tool you have in your life and your business? Would it surprise you to know it is your voice?

Arthur Samuel Joseph’s mission is “to change the world through voice.” He has taught globally for over five decades, and his client roster is a who’s who of celebrities and business leaders. He is arguably the top voice coach in the world.

"When we own our voice, we own our power," says Joseph.

No one knows how to leverage voice better than Joseph. His client list includes Angelina Jolie, Pierce Brosnan, Magic Johnson, Tony Robbins, Arnold Schwarzenegger and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, just to name a few.

He has trained broadcasters at the NFL, NBA, MLB, ESPN, Fox, ABC, CBS and NBC, as well as business leaders at Disney, Toyota, Ritz-Carlton, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, and the Federal Reserve Bank, among others.

Joseph is a masterful storyteller, a skill that he teaches to his students. Some of the other elements he teaches include body language, verbal and nonverbal expression, breathing techniques, vocal projection, and of course, vocal quality.

“Research proves that the greatest impact speakers have in any conversation comes not only from the words they say but from the sound of their voices,” Joseph told me in an interview in his Southern California studio. “In other words, it is not just the message but the messenger that matters.”

In his fifth book, Vocal Leadership: 7 Minutes a Day to Communication Mastery, Joseph shares all his secrets to what he terms Communication Mastery. The audio book (read by the author) and print version of Vocal Leadership changed the trajectory of my speaking career and receive my highest recommendation, as do all his books and training products. I have purchased his books by the case and gift them to authors who want more impact and influence.

His trademarked Vocal Leadership method provides proven techniques and daily exercises to help any leader develop a commanding voice and presence. The book clearly instructs how to improve vocal quality, body language, and self-esteem to dramatically increase your influence. I recommend the audio book version, so you can hear Joseph take you step-by-step through the process of becoming a more effective and commanding speaker.

And when I say speaker, I am not just talking from the speaking platform. Joseph teaches how to be in mastery in every conversation, public address, and personal encounter, from speeches to hundreds to sales meetings and presentations to a handful of people. In fact, being authentic in every communication, including one-on-one meetings, is a cornerstone of the process.

Formerly on the faculty of the University of Southern California School of Theatre, Joseph has been a visiting artist at Yale and George Washington Universities, and a guest lecturer at New York University.

Additionally, the Internet has offered many opportunities to offer his proprietary Vocal Awareness training through his website,

Joseph is especially enthusiastic about his certification program that is training a team of Certified Vocal Awareness Teachers. This is his legacy project to continue the mission of changing the world through voice.

“This is a new form and I don't want it to pass with me,” said Joseph, who is 73. “The certification program was designed to create a system where people could learn this work, study it directly with me and learn to teach this work.”