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Cool Rules for More Compelling Storytelling

Updated Aug 10, 2015, 03:54pm EDT
This article is more than 8 years old.

The most important element to include in a book or a speech that attracts clients are stories. But not just any type of story.

Consultants and coaches need to share stories in which they are not the hero. The client needs to be the hero of the story. There needs to be a villain problem that is holding the client back. Finally, you need to be the wise mentor of the story that helps the client hero overcome the villain problem.

As my buddy Michael Hauge, author of Writing Screenplays that Sell and a screenwriting teacher and consultant to both Hollywood filmmakers like Will Smith and professional speakers, says: “The story must be true, but it does not have to be factual.” In other words, some literary license is allowed to condense the story down to its essence.

There is only one story you get to tell where you are the hero. In my latest book, Marketing With a Book, I save that tidbit for last.

Why Persuade With a Story

In September of 2008 Scientific American published an article on “The Secrets of Storytelling: Why We Love a Good Yarn.” Please read the entire article, but here is a summary.

According to Jeremy Hsu in Scientific American, storytelling is a human universal, and common themes appear in tales throughout history and all over the world. The greatest stories—those retold through generations and translated into other languages—do more than simply present a believable picture. These tales captivate their audience, whose emotions can be inextricably tied to those of the story’s characters.

By studying narrative’s power to influence beliefs, researchers are discovering how we analyze information and accept new ideas. A 2007 study by marketing researcher Jennifer Edson Escalas of Vanderbilt University found that a test audience responded more positively to advertisements in narrative form as compared with straightforward ads that encouraged viewers to think about the arguments for a product. Similarly, Melanie Green of the University of North Carolina co-authored a 2006 study that showed that labeling information as “fact” increased critical analysis, whereas labeling information as “fiction” had the opposite effect. Studies such as these suggest people accept ideas more readily when their minds are in story mode as opposed to when they are in an analytical mind-set.

Three Must-Have Characters

This formula is very basic.

Every story needs a hero, a villain, and a mentor. If you are familiar with The Wizard of Oz, this would be Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the Wicked Witch of the West, and Glinda the Good Witch.  If the first Star Wars movies are more your cup of tea, then we are talking about Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and Jedi Knight Master Yoda.

Your client must be the hero of all your stories (save one). Start your story by introducing us to the hero. Make the hero likable. Make us want to root for the hero.

Next introduce us to the problem. In one of my stories I label a bad economy as “the wolf at the door.” If you can use a person that represents the issue, so much the better.

Finally, you should be the mentor or wise wizard character of the story. With your advice your hero/client overcomes the villain problem.

To attract clients, your book and speeches should be peppered with such stories. These stories provide the psychological clues as to why prospects should hire you. There is only one story you tell, and never at the beginning, where you get to be the hero. This is “Your Story,” which helps prospects understand why they should engage with you.