Sat.Jan 28, 2023

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New ways to codify purpose

Seth Godin Blog

And then what happens? Many small businesses start with generosity and good intent at their core. But it’s a rough ride, and especially when outside funding is involved, it’s easy to get seduced by the bright lights of Milton Friedman and an obsession with short-term profits. Over time, purpose starts to fade. The urgencies and demands of quarterly results, the opportunities for growth followed by more growth make it ever more difficult to stick with what we set out to do in the firs

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Hobson’s choice

Seth Godin Blog

…is no choice at all. The stable owner gets to pick which horse you get. Take it or leave it. Some people prefer this. It means that we’re off the hook and not responsible. It relieves us of the emotional labor of choice. Let someone else worry about it… And so we give up our agency and our freedom, simply to avoid responsibility. The thing is, there is still a choice: The choice of whether or not to go into the stable in the first place.