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On our recent Rotary service project in Antigua one of the adults with us is a dedicated vegan, which is fine, and it’s because of a combination of allergies and health concerns.

I say dedicated because at one meal he found a little cheese in his salad and had a meltdown, dumping his whole plate of food. The next night pasta was on the menu and after we were done eating, I asked him why he eats pasta. He looked puzzled so I said it’s because most pasta has eggs in it.

His look was priceless, and he avoided pasta the rest of the trip.

We often make assumptions about things, including our customers, our products or services, what the customer wants, what’s important to employees, etc. when we should be asking questions. All my vegan friend had to do was read a pasta package label. We need to ask customers and prospective customers, what’s the objective? Or ask, why? (or why not?) they made certain choices.

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