Sat.Jan 26, 2019

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10 Strategies to Increase Retention and Engagement

Peter Stark

There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only two ways your employees can leave an organization. Sometimes it is physically, as in moving on to a competitor, which is manageable; at least you know the employee is no longer on your team. You are clear on the next step; hire a great employee to take over the job. The second way is the one that strikes fear into the heart of every manager: the employee who mentally quits, but stays with your team.

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Relentlessly lowering expectations

Seth Godin Blog

We always compare performance on a relative basis. “Well, it’s better than it was yesterday…” Toddlers, for example, seem like geniuses compared to the babies they used to be. Some people around us have embraced a strategy of always lowering expectations so that their mediocre effort is seen as acceptable. Over time, we embrace the pretty good memo or the decent leadership moment, because it’s so much better than we feared.