I’m in the 2021 Write Stuff Bundle!

I like to read, as well as to write. (You are not surprised.) Which means I discovered StoryBundle years ago.

Most of the time, StoryBundle offers genre fiction. However, this time, it's nonfiction for writers—the 2021 Write Stuff Bundle.

Yes, I have a book in this bundle—Write a Conference Proposal. If you want to speak at conferences, this book will help you write a proposal. Not just any proposal, but one that helps the conference accept your session.

I'm in excellent company in the bundle:

If you keep up with writing podcasts, you know about Joanna Penn and her Creative Penn podcast. She also writes practical creative entrepreneurial business books. This bundle contains Your Author Business Plan. (I was fortunate enough to be on the podcast once with Joanna. Woo!!)

Stefon Mears offers The 30-Day Novel and Beyond! Stefon lives the title of this book. He's published dozens of novels, at least 100 short stories, and more. He keeps writing and writing. This book is next on my list because I need to get moving on my novels.

Cash Flow for Creators could only come from Michael W Lucas. I've enjoyed being in fiction writing workshops with Michael.  (He seems to think I'm short. Huh.) His fiction includes a ton of humor, as well as this book about finances. This book explains how to use your creativity and manage your cash flow so you can succeed—especially if you're just starting out. Yes, I recommend this book in my consulting book.

Pay the minimum and you get these four books.

But wait! There's More! (I always wanted to say that.)

Pay $20 and you get bonus books.  (Some of which are exclusive to this bundle.)

Bonus and Exclusive Books

I've been taking fiction-writing workshops from Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch for several years now. Why? First, they have long careers. Which means they know what they're doing for both the writing and the business of writing. And second, because writing fiction scratches a different creative itch for me than nonfiction does. I'm learning to balance both kinds of writing. I choose to learn from the best and Dean and Kris are the best.

That's the long way to explain why I can't wait to read Dean's How to Write a Novel in Half a Month and Kris' Tips About Film/TV for Novelists. As part of the bundle, Kris and Dean also offer one of their pop-up classes, “How to Deal with Toxic People.” (Everyone who reads this blog has experienced toxic people. Take the workshop.)

I met Tonya D Price years ago at a local PMI talk I gave years ago. We stayed in contact. She's also developed her fiction chops as well as writing business books for writers. Her book, A Writer’s Introduction to Social Media Marketing is exclusive to this bundle, so it's also on my TBR pile.

Loren L Coleman recently Kickstarted Crowdfunding Your Fiction: a Best Practices Guide. I backed his campaign and learned something important in the process: Everything he says also works for nonfiction. EVERYTHING.

I met Mark Leslie LeFebvre at an anthology workshop several years ago. Aside from being a great writer, he's a terrific editor. However, he has deep, deep experience selling books. Not just in bookstores, but in libraries. (I have a soft spot for libraries. If you had a childhood like mine, you went to the library every weekend and took out the maximum number of books.) Mark has distilled that knowledge into An Author’s Guide to Working With Libraries and Bookstores.

You probably want to understand how this StoryBundle works. Especially for the money.

How StoryBundle Works

Spend $5 and you get the first four books. StoryBundle splits the money between all the authors.

But the real goodies happen when you pay an additional $15 or more for the 2021 Write Stuff Bundle. That's when you get all the bonus books. And you can give a little to Able Gamers, when you check the box.

Check the box. Buy all the books and check the box. Really. What have you got to lose?

You might lose some excellent time reading really great books. That's it. Time you invest in your career. Oh, and if you buy the whole bundle just to get the pop-up about toxic people? A win. Total win.

And sign up for StoryBundle's emails where you'll learn about a new bundle once every few weeks. I've tried out a whole bunch of new-to-me writers and have been very pleased.

Buy the 2021 Write Stuff Bundle. Don't forget to check the box for AbleGamers. You'll be happy you did.

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