AI Magic Unleashed – Practical chatGPT Examples From the Trenches Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 541

Everyone, myself included, is discussing chatGPT and its remarkable impact on our lives and businesses. I would like to share with you how I’ve utilized chatGPT over the past several months, starting with these 5 examples:

  1. Improving my weekly newsletters: I provide chatGPT with the crux of what I intend to write. I then solicit additional insights, examples, and quotes from renowned leaders. Once satisfied with the information received, I draft my newsletter, incorporating my unique examples, insights, stories, and some ideas from chatGPT. Upon completion, I feed my newly written newsletter back into chatGPT for a grammar check and improvement suggestions.

    Here are some of my chatGPT prompt examples:

    Could you channel the expertise and wisdom of marketing gurus: [expert 1], [expert 2], and [expert 3]? Kindly share their perspective on [newsletter topic] and its importance for the survival of businesses [description of audience].

    Could you suggest a compelling opening and concluding paragraph to engage my audience and prompt them into action?

    What would be an enticing yet succinct title for this newsletter?

    I am considering this title [insert title]. Could you provide me with alternative suggestions?

    Could you share a relevant quote from [famous thought leader] and a potent metaphor I could include in this closing paragraph [paste closing paragraph]?

    Here is the newsletter I have just completed. Could you proofread it, correct any grammatical errors, and provide improvement suggestions [paste the newsletter]?

    I plan to publish this newsletter on LinkedIn. What hashtags would you recommend for this post?

  2. Consuming an entire book quickly: I provide chatGPT with the title and author of a book that piques my interest and request a summary to further dive into the book.

    Here are some of my chatGPT prompt examples:

    Could you share the essence of the book [book name] by [author name]? Please provide a summary and 10 key points for a quick understanding of the main concepts.

    Could you elaborate on point #1 [refer to point of additional interest]? What else does the author say about this in the book, and could you provide additional examples?

    This author also discusses the concept of [another concept] in several of his other books. Could you elucidate this concept from the author’s perspective?

    Assuming the role of [thought leader name], how would he/she interpret this concept?

  3. Overcoming objections: I share with chatGPT the key details of a product or service I’m creating or launching. I then request a list of potential objections my audience might raise and the best ways to address them.

    Here are some of my chatGPT prompt examples:

    I am creating an online course [course name], targeting [my target audience]. What objections might this audience raise?

    What are your top suggestions for overcoming these objections?

    Could you provide the actual phrasing to address these objections?

    What are the most persuasive measures I can adopt to counter these objections?

  4. Becoming your own world-class chef: Since I always look for ways to improve my fitness and nutrition, I provide chatGPT with a unique instruction where I input the ingredients I want to use and choose a world-class chef. I ask it to generate recipes (for smoothies or breakfasts and such) and put it into an infinite loop, allowing me to experiment with different recipes and emulate various chefs.

    Please note: in the example below, make sure to insert <ingredients> and <chef> surrounded by special characters. These represent the prompts where chatGPT will pause and ask for that information.

    Here is my chatGPT prompt example:

    Create 5 smoothie recipes using the following <ingredients>, imitating the expertise of <chef>. Wait for my input before providing the recipes. Once you’ve provided the recipes, start again by asking for the next set of <ingredients> and <chef>. I want this process to be continuous until I use the word END.

  5. Learning about the competition: Whether investigating your own competitors or your clients’, chatGPT can assist, especially if you’re using the latest version, GPT-4 (paid option).

    Please note: for the example below, make sure to select GPT-4 and the “Browse with Bing” option.

    Here is my chatGPT prompt example:

    Analyze <website>, and tell me about the industry they operate in, the essence of their business, and their potential competitors. Once you identify the competitors, I’d like you to specify the strengths and weaknesses of these competitors. website=[website URL]

I trust you’ll find these applications useful. The possibilities are endless with chatGPT, and I’d love to hear about your unique experiences and uses of this remarkable tool.

Get your copy of my latest new books available now on my Amazon’s author page.

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