The Strategic Pricing® executive summary is foreign to most Government contractors. Let’s look at some of the strategic pricing® executive summary important components and why it is so important to your pricing story.

Why a Strategic Pricing® Executive Summary
The price volume is unique and it gives you latitude that the rest of your proposal does not afford. You have the luxury of unlimited pages plus the readers need help concluding you’re your price is the right price. While well-constructed tables and documented price narratives are standard fares, give it some pizazz folks!  

Value Proposition
If you want to bring significance to your customer, give them some savings of time, money, or resources that translates into a truly meaningful zing for them. This is a clear statement backed by evidence of how your price brings them the features and benefits they so need. Your competition will likely not do this, and your customer will consider them a riskier choice.

Pricing visuals will always change the way the evaluator views the price. They will receive the message you want to convey if you add just the right caption. It is interesting and unlike what your competition will do.

Put Dollars to Your Story
Give the reader the total dollar amount of those savings or investments you bring to them. Keep it approximate. Share monetary payback or savings that your price brings to the customer – it is your competitive advantage. 

Takeaway Message
You want your customer to want you. If you make the beginning of your price narrative a Strategic Pricing® executive summary, it will be unique with the respect and evidentiary advantages you bring, that they almost use your words to validate their choice of you. A great price may not be the lowest, but it conveys the best merit.

Click to read this article for more on Executive Summary

Marsha Lindquist