Monday, April 29, 2013

An Ode To The Madness That Is Teleconferencing

Thank you for calling WonderCall! Please enter your meeting ID and then press the pound sign.

Look up meeting ID
Try to memorize stupidly-long meeting ID

Invalid meeting ID. Please re-enter your meeting ID and then press the pound sign.

Fuck! Re-check and re-momorize meeting ID

  Please enter your meeting ID and then press the pound sign.

Give me a second!

Please enter the meeting passcode and then press the pound sign.

There's a passcode? Crap! What's that? Oh, there it is, in the body of the email!

Invalid passcode. Please try re-entering the passcode and then press the pound sign.

WTF? I know that's right!

Please enter your participant number and then press the pound sign. If you do not have a participant number, just press pound.

What the hell? I need a participant number?
Screw it!

This call requires a participant number. Please re-enter your participant number, followed by the pound sign.

Seriously? I need to connect on the computer, too?Hang up.
Boot up computer
Launch Calendar app
Locate and click on crazy-long URL
Crap! It doesn't work in Safari!
Launch Chrome
Cut and paste crazy-long URL
Install a custom application
Try the URL again
Finally! There's my participant number!

Thank you for calling WonderCall! Please enter your meeting ID and then press the pound sign.

I got it memorized now...

Please enter the meeting passcode and then press the pound sign.

What was that again? Oh yeah!

Please enter your participant number and then press the pound sign. If you do not have a participant number, just press pound.


The meeting has not yet started or the organizer has not yet arrived. Please hang up and try again later.

Throw phone through wall.

Receive angry email from client asking why I skipped his call...

1 comment:

MAry Brown said...

Nice blog, thanks for sharing the information. I will come to look for update. Keep up the good work.
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